Hey folks,

Apologies for yet another extended absence from my website! Rest assured that I’ve made (yet another!) resolution to update more regularly!

I have no worthwhile excuse beyond saying that distractions have been coming far too easily over the past number of months, but after the last few weks I’ve managed to get myself into a more focussed and productive frame of mind. Work on a number of projects is progressing well, and all going to plan, next year should be a bumper year for releases, with at least 1 sci-fi story and at least 2 fantasy books, both new stories, one of which is Middle Sea, the other in the long-promised new world I’ve been building up for a while now!

Beyond that, I’ve been trying to catch up on some reading, which for the last little while has been non fiction, with one notable exception. I very rarely get the chance to take a look at  arcs, but one came my way between books not so long ago, so I dove in, and I’m very glad I did.

The book is Forsworn, by David Estes, which I believe by the time of me writing this has been released. It’s a really fun epic fantasy with some fantastic world building that I really enjoyed. There’s even a bit of a gothic horror vibe mixed through, which was probably my favourite aspect, as this was a genre I used to really like reading and writing way back in my misspent youth, and it definitely tickled those tropes for me!

If you’re interested in checking the book out, you can find it over on Amazon!

That’s about all I’ve got for this update. I’ve been managing to find a little time for painting recently, demonstrating just how quickly my limited skills develop a sheen of rust! I hope to have some of those efforts to show off next week, as I really do make an effort to get back to a weekly posting schedule!